Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Prop 8--The Musical!

See more Jack Black videos at Funny or Die

Friday, November 28, 2008

Fantasy Politics

This blog hasn't been updated in a while. Oops. I'm pretty sure no one reads anyway...but just in case...

First of all, I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving (or, as I like to call it, First-Time-the-Americans-Betrayed-The-Native-Americans Day).

Now, I shall address my favorite game: Fantasy Politics. No, seriously. It's so much fun. I've done fantasy cabinet (which is actually pretty close to how I imagined it, thus far, thank Obama). And now, I'm thinking fantasy 2016 Democratic ticket. Because, unfortunately, Obama/Biden is limited to only two terms. For 2016, I'm thinking Feingold/Pelosi. What's YOUR dream 2016 ticket? Think about it and let us know by commenting.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

I never posted this so...

Stolen from my own not really stolen.

When I write my autobiography, there is going to be an entire chapter on the 2008 election. Why? Because it's the first time I've ever felt truly proud of the United States of America.

I like to refer to ours as a jaded generation. We were all born under Bush I. Then, we got eight years of glorious prosperity under Clinton. Most of us were still young in 2001, when George W. Bush, hereby referred to as Bush II or "that dunce that ruined our country," took office. As we matured and became politically aware, we watched as our country was run into the ground. Those who were supposed to have the best interest of the citizens at heart seemed not to care at all. I thought, "Like father, like son; one term and he's done," but I was wrong. Kerry was not elected. And the woes just got worse.

While watching the 2004 Democratic National Convention with my mother, I was introduced to Senator Barack Obama. I turned to my mother, in tears from his speech, and simply stated, "Mark my words, he will one day be president."

When now President Elect Obama announced his candidacy, I was ecstatic. At 13, I had known he would one day run, but I had never dreamed it would be so soon. I immediately announced my support: Barack or Bust in 2008!

I sat through the primaries as my boy fought a vicious battle against Senator Hillary Clinton. When he clenched the nomination, I knew it was all just beginning. He would have to face Senator John McCain, a tough competitor. But I had faith in our country.

There were times when that faith was tested, such as the nation's brief but disgusting love affair with Sarah Palin, but we held strong. Tonight, it was tested again, when Kentucky was the first state to go red. But as I watched the map color itself blue, my hope grew.

Tonight, for the first time since 1996, Our country has elected the right man for office. I have never felt prouder of the American people in my life, than when I heard, "Obama is the projected winner." My eyes welled with tears. This was it. Yes we could. Yes we could. Yes we could and YES WE DID!

His acceptance speech was gorgeous. And I can't believe I've just witnessed this. It feels like a dream. I am so happy that our country made the right choice. We chose change. We chose freedom and democracy. We chose to speak out against a government that has done us so much wrong in the past. I've never known what it was like to cry tears of true genuine happiness. I'm on an adrenaline high right now. I can't even explain it. It's so unreal. We have truly made the steps toward progress that we have always been trying to make.

This campaign has been so inspirational for me. And I have never been more sure that I want to help people. I want to be involved in politics for the rest of my life. I want to live this feeling over and over again for the rest of my life.

Thank you, President Elect Barack Obama. For inspiring a generation to speak out. For inspiring me to find my purpose. For making a nation call for their voices to be heard. For proving to us that there is hope; that our children can live better lives than we did. For letting us know that the American dream, though corrupted, still exists and is still going strong. For showing us that politicians don't have to be dishonest people; they can be loyal and honest and open, just like any other person.

Thank you, President Elect Barack Obama, for everything. Thank you, everyone who made your voice for change heard. And thank you, Senator McCain for a campaign well-run; the fight was fun. Now, it is time to come together as a nation. United we stand. Let us stand together on the brink of our new world. It's our time.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

I'm so nervous.

McCain took Kentucky. Obama took Vermont.

Or, provisionally, at least.

I'm freaking out.

Monday, November 3, 2008

That Girl.

You know the one. She used to seem normal. Until you stop talking to her. Which is of course when she "finds Jesus" and becomes a conservative freak.

I have one such a friend. Well, actually we're not friends. But every single time she updates her status with something like, "Jesus Freak is McCain/Palin 2008," I resist the urge to call her for the first time in two years to yell at her for hating her own rights. I just...don't understand it. I don't know. How does one "find Jesus" and then become conservative. I found a sock under my bed this morning. I'm not changing my Facebook status to "Marissa loves..." You see where this is going, don't make me type it! And besides, if you LOVE Jesus so much, why didn't you find him sooner? He can walk on water, it's not like he'd be all that hard to miss. And if you LOVED Jesus, you wouldn't totally defy everything he supposedly taught.

But seriously, what makes people think religion=conservative? I happen to worship Barack Obama...well, no I don't, but if it weren't so creepy I might. And in that case, religion=liberal.

If relgion=liberal and Jesus=Christianity=religion, then Jesus=liberal. Like us.


Also, y'all best be watching the SNL Presidential Bash. Loves it.

My Favorite Activity.

I have many favorite activities. Among them are writing, baking, painting picture frames, and coming up with creative ways to get my car taken away so I don't have to drive. However, I must say that my absolute FAVORITE activity is one that we liberals hold near and dear to our hearts: schooling Republicans. Now, I know what you're thinking and, no, it is not just you. As liberals, it is our duty to teach the conservatives the right way of thinking. Ironically, the right way is left.

Just the other day, I was talking to someone who is a McCain supporter. He called me a baby killer. At that point I said, "Oh hell no!" So I decided to school him. I told him the following:
1) Pro-Choice does NOT equal Pro-Abortion.
2) In addition, Pro-Life would more accurately be called "Anti-abortion" as so-called Pro-Lifers support war, the death penalty, and hunt innocent animals.
3) Furthermore, John McCain fought in Vietnam. Anyone remember what American soldiers did in Vietnam? Oh yeah, they killed babies.

Okay, so maybe the third one crossed the line a little bit, but he just made me mad. Besides, we all know it's true. So then he asked me how I would feel if I were a fetus and my mother decided to kill me. It was humorous. I said I would respect her decision. Then I worked on him. In the end he said he would support abortion if the life of the mother were threatened. Still said no to rape or incest, but he's conservative and, therefore, not very smart. He also agreed, in the end, that it was better to have Roe v. Wade and at least make it safe than to overturn. I win. He loses. Life is good again.

Then today, I schooled a Republican on Sarah Palin. And Ron Paul. Because she clearly thinks both of them are Grade-A politicians. Yes. And the food they serve at Taco Bell is made with Grade-A meat. I just...don't understand the way the minds of conservatives work. Are they brainwashed? Ignorant? Just not very intelligent? All three? It boggles my giant liberal mind.

In other news, my condolences go out to Senator Barack Obama on the death of his grandmother. I was hoping she'd at least live to see him elected.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

2 days

That's right conservatives, look at that beautiful electoral map and weep. It's going to be a glorious 2009.

To all my fellow liberals doing GOTV stuff until Tuesday - best of luck. I'll be out there phone bank-ing, canvassing, holding signs, poll running, poll watching and etc. with the rest of you! Make it count, our future depends on it.